01. What is the official language of Bosnia and Herzegovina?
02. Which alphabet is used in Bosnian writing?
03. What is the correct translation for "hello" in Bosnian?
04. Which pronoun means "you" in the informal form in Bosnian?
05. What is the correct translation for "I love you" in Bosnian?
06. Which preposition means "in" in Bosnian?
07. How do you say "yes" in Bosnian?
08. Which verb form is correct for the sentence "I am going"?
09. Choose the correct form of the verb "biti" (to be) in the present tense for the pronoun "mi" (we).
10. Identify the correct translation for "school" in Bosnian.
11. Select the appropriate plural form of the noun "knjiga" (book).
12. Identify the correct word order in a declarative sentence in Bosnian.
13. Select the appropriate pronoun for the possessive form of "ona" (she).
14. Identify the correct conjugation of the verb "raditi" (to work) in the past tense for the pronoun "oni" (they).
15. Choose the correct form of the preposition to complete the sentence: "Idem _____ školu." (I go to school.)
16. Select the appropriate form of the pronoun "koji" (which) for a masculine, singular noun.
17. Identify the correct plural form of the noun "dijete" (child).
18. Choose the correct form of the verb "imati" (to have) in the future tense for the pronoun "vi" (you).
19. What is the common expression for "excuse me" or "sorry" in Bosnian?
20. How do you greet someone in the evening in Bosnian?
21. What is the common expression for "goodbye" in Bosnian?
22. How do you say "please" in Bosnian?
23. What is the common expression for "how are you?" in Bosnian?
24. How do you ask "What is your name?" in Bosnian?
25. How do you say "I don't understand" in Bosnian?
26. What is the Bosnian word for "house"?
27. What does the Bosnian word "voće" mean?
28. What is the translation of "sun" in Bosnian?
29. What does the Bosnian word "prijatelj" mean?
30. What does the Bosnian word "knjiga" mean?
31. What is the translation of "water" in Bosnian?
32. What does the Bosnian word "zelena" mean?
33. What is the Bosnian word for "thank you"?
34. What does the Bosnian word "svijet" mean?
35. How do you say "good morning" in Bosnian?
36. What is the correct form of the verb "raditi" (to work) in the present tense for the pronoun "vi" (you)?
37. What is the plural form of the noun "stolica" (chair) in Bosnian?
38. How do you say "my name is" in Bosnian?
39. What is the correct form of the adjective "velik" (big) in the feminine plural?
40. Choose the appropriate preposition to complete the sentence: "Idem _____ park." (I'm going to the park.)