France is known all over the world for his food of course!
Going in a French restaurant is a thing to do if you plan to visit us!
Speak and understand what the waiter or the waitress is asking you it’s another thing!
A quick list about sentences you’ll probably hear or asks!
Waitress : find out wich french sentences refers to english one!
Bonjour combien êtes vous? ………………………Do you want an aperitif?
Veuillez me suivre à votre table…………….A cofee or a thea to finish?
Souhaitez vous un apéritif?…………...Would you like the desserts card?
Vous voulez la carte des desserts?………………………How many are you?
Un café ou un thé pour finir?…………….Please follow me to your table.
Customer : same exercice!
Pourrais – je avoir le carte s’il vous plaît?………Can i have the check please?
C’était très bon, merci!!…………………………….Can i have more watter ?
Puis-je avoir l’addition?…………………………Where are the toilets please?
Ou sont les toilettes ?…………………………….It was delicious, thank you!
Pourrais-je avoir une carrafe d’eau? ………….Could you bring me the menu please?