Comment utiliser les adjectifs positifs pour décrire votre personnalité? Féminin Masculin -Je suis ambitieuse -Je suis ambitieux -Je suis motivée – Je suis motivé -Je suis dynamique – Je suis dynamique -Je suis aimable – Je suis aimable -Je suis astucieuse -Je suis astucieux -Je suis débrouillarde -Je suis débrouillard Un adjectif est un mot qui sert à caractériser une personne ou une chose.Exemple : Un danseur talentueux
Why learn French as opposed to a different language? France is one of the most sought-after travel destinations for both business and leisure. People who visit France learn basic travel phrases like greetings, how to order in a restaurant, buy a ticket, get directions and more. French is a beautiful romantic language Grammar and vocabulary similar to other Latin languages, as such it is easier to learn than other languages. Learning French will help a
Most people would agree that learning to communicate in a new language is beneficial to career advancement. Learning a new language opens doors to companies involved in international business and trade as well as to government and non-profit organizations world-wide. Employees who are bilingual or multilingual can really help to expand a company’s reach around the world. Studies in the USA show that foreign language skills boost individual earnings. Consider the other, not so obvious
Learning a new language is never easy. It takes consistent effort and a strong desire to succeed. Fear not however, here is a list of some of the most motivational videos that will get your enthusiasm bubbling.Colombia University professor John McWorter gives us four reasons for learning a foreign language. His talk is captivating and thought-provoking, and is a must-watch for those who struggle to find the motivation to take the first steps in learning
Travelling can be stressful at the best of times. Inevitably, a problem arises which requires the help of the people around us. Although getting by with only English is certainly feasible in many parts of Europe, Spain and France are generally not known as homes to perfect English speakers. Both countries ranked number 33 and 35 respectively in the 2018 English Proficiency Index, some of the lowest in Europe (EF English Proficiency Index, 2018).If you